Symaccess Cheatsheet | Vmax/PowerMax | Symcli | Solutions Enabler Cli Reference

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Written By Amit Singh

I am a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience in SAN and NAS Storage. 

The symaccess command is a powerful utility used in Dell EMC Symmetrix storage arrays to manage storage access control. It is primarily utilized for masking view operations, allowing administrators to define and control which hosts can access specific storage resources.

With symaccess, users can create and manage initiator groups, port groups, and storage groups, which collectively form masking views. These views ensure that only authorized hosts can communicate with designated storage devices. Additionally, the command facilitates security settings, backup and restore operations, and various administrative tasks related to Fibre Channel (FC) and iSCSI connectivity.

By leveraging symaccess, storage administrators can efficiently manage and enforce storage access policies, enhancing both security and operational efficiency in a Symmetrix storage environment.

Symaccess Summary

ActionsThe symaccess command enables the management of initiator, port, and storage groups. It allows creating and deleting masking views, modifying groups, setting attributes, associating aliases, backing up and restoring data, and verifying database consistency.
ArgumentsVarious arguments define the operation being performed. Examples include add for adding elements, delete for removal, rename for name changes, restore for restoring configurations, and list for retrieving group information.
KeywordsKeywords refine the scope of operations, such as assignments for listing initiators, hba_flags for modifying HBA settings, sg for storage group lists, and view to specify actions on masking views.
Supported HBA Port FlagsA set of flags that configure port behaviors for HBAs, including options like Disable_Q_Reset_on_UA, OpenVMS support, Avoid_Reset_Broadcast, and SPC2_Protocol_Version.
Supported Initiator Group Port FlagsSimilar to HBA port flags but applied to initiator groups, these include Volume_Set_Addressing, Common_Serial_Number, and SCSI_3 support.

Symaccess Action

The symaccess command provides the ability to perform the following actions:

  • Create initiator, port, and storage groups.
  • Create masking views, each one containing a single initiator, port, and storage group.
  • Delete a masking view.
  • Delete initiator, port, and storage groups when they are not part of a masking view.
  • Rename masking views or initiator, port, or storage groups.
  • Associate an ASCII name with the initiator as a convenience. To NULL the alias, use a slash (/) as input.
  • Add or remove devices for a specifed storage group.
  • Add or remove ports or endpoints for a specified port group.
  • Add or remove initiators for a specified initiator group.
  • Copy masking views or initiator, port, or storage groups from one Symmetrix array to another.
  • Replace the host HBA without losing established permissions.
  • Set HBA port flags on a per initiator basis. This feature allows the user to change some attributes for a different host type on the FA or SE for the specified initiator.
  • Set the consistent LUN flag for an initiator group to force that any device masked to this group has the same LUN for all ports.
  • Display the login history table.
  • Associate the Fibre Channel ID (FCID) of a switch in a fabric to the path from a host HBA to a Symmetrix array. This further restricts the path by which a host can connect to a Symmetrix array.
  • Set, enable, disable, or delete CHAP credentials from the database for either the director/port or a specified iSCSI initiator.
  • Back up the Auto-provisioning Group data to a user-named file on the host.
  • Restore the Auto-provisioning Group data from a backup file stored on the host.
  • List the host HBA information.
  • List the group information.
  • List the view information.
  • Verifies that the AutoProvisioning Database is consistent.

Symaccess Arguements

addAdds elements to the specified group.
backupCreates a file containing all of the group and view information currently on the array.
copyCopies views or groups from one Symmetrix array to another.
createCreates a view or group of the specified type.
deleteDeletes the masking view or security information that was previously set for either a director/port or an iSCSI initiator.
disableDisables security information that was previously set for a director/port or an iSCSI initiator.
discoverDiscovers the WWN or iSCSI names of the HBAs on the host which has paths to the Symmetrix and writes the ASCII alias names to the login history table (if empty).
enableEnables security information that was previously set for a director/port or an iSCSI initiator.
listLists the group, view, or security information.
removeRemoves elements from the specified group.
renameRenames the ASCII name of a group or view, or renames the alias for the specified initiator within a group and the login history table.
replaceReplaces the WWN or iSCSI name within an initiator group with the specified new WWN or iSCSI name.
restoreRestores all of the group, view, and security information from the specified backup file.
setSets initiator attributes or CHAP credentials.
showShows detailed information about the groups or views.
verifyChecks the Auto-provisioning database to verify that it is consistent.

Symaccess keywords

assignmentsLists the currently assigned initiators for the specified devices.
bw_limitSets the bandwidth limits in MB per second for an initiator group.
chapSpecifies the iSCSI CHAP credential.
consistent_lunSets the consistent LUN for the specified initiator group.
devinfoLists the device information by initiator group.
devsSpecifies devices to be added or removed.
hbaSpecifies the WWN or iSCSI name of the HBA on the host.
hba_flagsSets the HBA port settings for an initiator within a group for any settings that should differ from the current settings on the port.
ig_flagsSets the port settings for an initiator group for any settings that should differ from the current settings on the port.
lockdownSets the FCID value for an initiator within a group.
loginsSpecifies the entries in the login history table.
no_assignmentLists devices that are mapped, but not yet assigned within a masking view.
sgIndicates a list of storage group names.
srcLimits the action to the source devices in a device file.
tgtLimits the action to the target devices in a device file.
viewIndicates that the action will be performed on a view.

Supported HBA Port Flags

Flag NameCode

Supported Initiator Group Port Flags

Flag NameCode

Symaccess Example: Masking View, Initiator Group, Port Group, Storage Group

Create an initiator group named igroup_alpha, adding WWN 210000e08b04abcdsymaccess -sid 567 -type initiator -wwn 210000e08b04abcd -name igroup_alpha create
Create a storage group named sgroup_beta, adding device 0034symaccess -sid 567 -type storage devs 0034 -name sgroup_beta create
Create a port group named pgroup_gamma, adding director 5F and port 2symaccess -sid 567 -type port -dirport 5F:2 -name pgroup_gamma create
Add device 0035 to storage group sgroup_betasymaccess -sid 567 -type storage -name sgroup_beta add devs 0035
Add storage groups storgrp_X and storgrp_Y to storage group storgrp_Zsymaccess -sid 567 -type storage -name storgrp_Z add -sg storgrp_X,storgrp_Y
Remove WWN 210000e08b04abcd from initiator group igroup_alphasymaccess -sid 567 -type initiator -wwn 210000e08b04abcd -name igroup_alpha remove
Delete initiator group igroup_alphasymaccess -sid 567 -type initiator -name igroup_alpha delete
List all initiator, port, and storage groupssymaccess -sid 567 list
Create a view named view_delta, containing initiator group igroup_alpha, port group pgroup_gamma, and storage group sgroup_betasymaccess -sid 567 -name view_delta -sg sgroup_beta -pg pgroup_gamma -ig igroup_alpha create view
Delete a view named view_deltasymaccess -sid 567 -name view_delta delete view
Rename view view_delta to view_omegasymaccess -sid 567 rename view -name view_delta -new_name view_omega
Create a view, storage, port, and initiator group named TESTVIEW, adding devices, initiators, and portssymaccess -sid 567 create view -name TESTVIEW -wwn 210000e08b04abcd -dirport 5F:2 devs 0034
Backup groups and views of Symmetrix ID 567 to file backup_file123symaccess -sid 567 backup -file backup_file123
Restore group and view information from file backup_file123 to Symmetrix ID 567symaccess -sid 567 restore -file backup_file123

I am a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience in SAN and NAS Storage. I work with one of the fortune 500 companies as SAN Storage Architect.

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