How to Activate/Enable Brocade Zoning Configuration? | cfenable, cfgactvshow

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Written By Amit Singh

I am a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience in SAN and NAS Storage. 

To enable a zone configuration, use this command: cfgenable “<cfgName>” [-force | -f]

The command builds the specified zone configuration, checking for undefined zone names, zone alias names, or other inconsistencies by expanding zone aliases, removing duplicate entries, and then installing the effective configuration.

Build Status:

  • If the build fails: The previous state is preserved (zoning remains disabled, or the previous effective configuration stays in effect).
  • If the build succeeds: The new configuration replaces the previous configuration. Refer to the cfgShow command for a description of both defined and effective configurations.

Transaction Management:

  • This command ends and commits the current transaction.
  • There can only be one open transaction in the fabric at any time. Executing this command when a transaction is open on a different switch in the fabric will automatically abort the open transaction, and a warning message is displayed on the other switches.

Fabric OS v9.0.0 Feature:

The zone fabric lock cannot detect any pending transactions if the fabric is running pre-v9.0.0 firmware. Use the cfgtransshow --opentrans command to view any switches with open command-line-sourced transactions.

The zone fabric locking feature prevents multiple transactions from being opened on v9.0.0 and newer switches if there is an active lock.


To enable the zone configuration India_CFG:

switch:admin> cfgenable "India_cfg"
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected.
Do you want to enable 'India_cfg' configuration \
(yes, y, no, n): [no] y
zone config "India_cfg" is in effect
Updating flash ...

To enable the zone configuration India_cfg without confirmation:

switch:admin> cfgenable "India_cfg" -force
You have enabled a new zoning configuration.
This action replaced the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected.
Note: The above operation was performed without user prompting
due to using the '-force' option.


Once the zoning configuration is enabled using cfgenable, you can view the active zoning configuration with the cfgActvShow command.

switch:admin> cfgactvshow
Effective configuration:
cfg: India_cfg
zone: z3 67:23:56:78:91:ab:12:cd
zone: z4 45:67:23:56:78:13:34:bc

Note: If you are interested in the entire zoning configuration then you can also run cfgshow. This command will show you the entire zoning configuration. cfgactvshow only shows the effective configuration as you may have configured multiple zoning congiguration. However, only one can be active at a time.

I am a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience in SAN and NAS Storage. I work with one of the fortune 500 companies as SAN Storage Architect.

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