How to Create Brocade Zoning Configuration ? | cfgcreate

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Written By Amit Singh

I am a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience in SAN and NAS Storage. 

The cfgcreate command is used to create a new zone configuration on a Brocade switch. A zone configuration is a collection of zones that define access control between devices within a Fibre Channel fabric. The command establishes the configuration and its initial members, which can be individual zones or a list of zones.

Once created, the configuration must be explicitly enabled using the cfgenable command to make it active and saved with the cfgsave command to ensure it persists after a switch reboot.

Key Steps in the cfgcreate Process

  1. Define the Configuration Name: Provide a unique name for the new zone configuration.
  2. Add Members: Specify the zones to include in the configuration, separated by semicolons if there are multiple zones.
  3. Save and Activate: Use cfgsave to save the defined configuration and cfgenable to apply it.

Cfgcreate Example

Creating a Zone Configuration

switch:admin> cfgcreate "DataCenterConfig", "ZoneA;ZoneB;ZoneC"  
  • DataCenterConfig: The name of the new zone configuration.
  • ZoneA;ZoneB;ZoneC: The initial zones being added as members of the configuration.

Saving the Configuration

switch:admin> cfgsave  
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This will overwrite the existing zoning configuration in flash.
Do you want to continue (yes, y, no, n): y

Enabling the Configuration

switch:admin> cfgenable "DataCenterConfig"  
You are about to enable the Effective configuration.
This action may disrupt existing traffic.
Do you want to continue (yes, y, no, n): y
zone config "DataCenterConfig" is in effect.

Key Points

  • cfgcreate: Defines the zone configuration and its members.
  • cfgsave: Saves the configuration to nonvolatile memory.
  • cfgenable: Activates the configuration, applying the defined access control settings.

Cfgcreate Video

I am a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience in SAN and NAS Storage. I work with one of the fortune 500 companies as SAN Storage Architect.

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