How to Create Snapshot Rule on Dell PowerStore

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Written By Amit Singh

I am a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience in SAN and NAS Storage. 

In this article, we will see how to create a snapshot rule on Dell PowerStore using PowerStore manager.

Create snapshot rules to indicate how often snapshots are created and how long they are kept before being removed. You can define and apply consistent data protection policies to storage resources based on your business’s data protection needs by combining snapshot rules and replication rules.

The schedule is entered in your local time when setting a snapshot rule but is stored in UTC time format. To account for seasonal time changes like Daylight Savings Time, the schedule is shown in your local time zone.

Create Snapshot Rule on Dell PowerStore using PowerStore Manager: Step by Step

Step 1

  • Login to PowerStore Manager
  • Navigate to Protection Policy Page: Protection >> Protection Policies
  • Click on Snapshot Rules
  • Click on Create button
Create Snapshot Rule on Dell PowerStore
Click on Snapshot Rules

Step 2

  • In the side pane that appears, use the following settings for the new snapshot rule:
  1. Rule Name: SnaptshotTestRule
  2. Days: Every day selected
  3. Frequency/Start Time: Every 6 hours
  4. Retention: Keep for 7 days
  5. File Snapshot Access Type: Protocol (Read-only)
  • Click on Create

When you create a protection policy on PowerStore, this rule will be visible there.

Create Snapshot Rule on Dell PowerStore

NOTE: For file systems, you can create two different read-only File Snapshot Access Types: Protocol and .Snapshot. The default access type is protocol, which can be exported as an SMB share, NFS export, or both. You can share and mount the snapshot on a client like any other file system. For .snapshot access types, you can access the files within the snapshot from the production file system in the .snapshot subdirectory of each directory.

Step 3

Verify that the snapshot rule, SnapshotTestRule, was created successfully.

Create Snapshot Rule on Dell PowerStore
Snapshot Rule Created Successfully

I am a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience in SAN and NAS Storage. I work with one of the fortune 500 companies as SAN Storage Architect.

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